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We are pleased to announce that the Ethics Centre of the University of Zurich, Switzerland, will be hosting a two-day workshop on ‘Respect, recognition and social-relational equality’ on 28 and 29 May 2015.
The aims of this workshop are, first, to develop a better understanding of the links between social or relational egalitarianism (for short, social egalitarianism) – and theories of respect and recognition. Second, the workshop aims to determine how a normative framework based on respect, recognition and social equality can help to provide guidance on public policy and to address applied ethical problems such as those of poverty, gender injustice and health inequalities.
Currently, there is a gap in the literature on social equality; while this form of equality seems quite clearly linked to respect and recognition – indeed something like equal recognition respect could be said to be central to social equality – the explicit relationships between equality, respect and recognition still need to be much further developed. Addressing this gap in the literature will also help to contribute to a major debate in contemporary philosophy - determining which forms of equality, if any, are valuable - as well as helping to refine further our understandings of respect and recognition.
Confirmed speakers:
The workshop organizers are::
The workshop is generously sponsored by the Swiss National Science Foundation (SNSF), the University Research Priority Program for Ethics (URPP for Ethics) at the University of Zurich, and the Zürcher Universitätsverein (ZUNIV).
Participation is free but space is limited so please register if you would like to attend. To register, please send an email to Carina Fourie stating your name and affiliation.