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Center for Ethics Institute of Social Ethics

The Moral Significance of Human Vulnerability

The project asks for the moral significance of human vulnerability fundamentally: What oblige phenomena of vulnerability like e.g. suffering, pain, and illness to in a moral perspective? How can they be integrated in moral perceptions of good life? How can they be interpreted and evaluated theologically? These questions need to be discussed with regards to the established international debate on the term "vulnerability" and a anthropological as well as theological clarification of the human vulnerability.

The design of the research-project is made up of five workshops in which the above mentioned questions are discussed. Additional to the research-group-members, external speakers and referents join the discussions. The findings of the project will be present during a concluding congress in 2020 and published as a book.

Project duration: 2018-2020

Cooperation Parner: Zentrum für Gesundheitsethik (ZfG), Hannover

Leadership: Prof. Dr. Michael Coors, Institute of Social Ethics, Centre for Ethics, University of Zurich

Members of the Project-Group:

Dr. Claudia Bozzaro, Research Associate, Institut für Geschichte und Ethik der Medizin, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg

Ruth Denkhaus, Research Associate, ZfG

Dr. Andrea Dörries, Director ZfG a. D. Dr.

Tobias Eichinger, Headassistant, Institut für Biomedizinische Ethik und Medizingeschichte, Universität Zürich

Dr. Julia Inthorn, Director ZfG

Prof. Dr. Rebekka Klein, Lehrstuhl für Ökumene und Dogmatik, Evangelisch-Theologische Fakultät, Ruhr-Universität Bochum

Dr. Henriette Krug, Fachärztin für Neurologie, Klinik für Psychiatrie und Psychotherapie, Charité Universitätsmedizin Berlin

Dr. Noelia Bueno-Gomez, Institut für Philosophie, Universität Oviedo, Spanien

Prof. Dr. Christoph Rehmann-Sutter, Professur für Theorie und Ethik der Biowissenschaften, Institut für Medizingeschichte und Wissenschaftsforschung, Universität zu Lübeck

PD Dr. Mark Schweda, Research Associate, Institut für Ethik und Geschichte der Medizin, Universitätsmedizin Göttingen

Prof. Dr. Frank Mathwig, Beauftragter für Theologie und Ethik, Schweizerischer Evangelischer Kirchenbund, Bern